
Virtual Chamber


Business & trade networks in a non-contact world

A secure, opt in collaboration hub for cross border, cross enterprise capability building and adoption, delivering timely and cost-efficient conversations and best practice insights for key decision makers with a commonality of challenges

How it works


  • The Virtual Chamber captures the tacit and intrinsic knowledge of your networks by replicating face to face meetings, conferences and trade delegations through a suite of communication channels and productivity tools. This reduces the time commitments and travel and related costs of physical interactions to a ‘when absolutely necessary’ setting not the default setting. It captures collaboration within a structured discussion. All participants take part in a two-way flow of information. Contributions are a pre-requisite. All structured collaborations run alongside a ‘blue sky’ conversation. Short form reports are curated as required.


  • Any organisation or group of organisations may create a forum in the Virtual Chamber by becoming a sponsor of a collaboration. In consultation between the sponsor (s) and the Chamber key decision makers are then invited to join a forum by becoming a user.

Who it works for


  • Key decision makers who require enhanced insights and intelligence at a local, regional or global level in a secure, private and non aligned forum.


  • Governments, trade bodies and businesses who wish to gain knowledge, development opportunities and best practice outcomes in an independent environment from a defined ecosystem.