

At Inconcert we aim to maximise the return on knowledge. We look to partner with clients to achieve their vision and help build successful companies of lasting significance, delivering a return to both management and investors.

We recognise the importance of human capital and the value of the undocumented tacit and intrinsic knowledge contained within a company's organisation and held by it's employees. We seek to build that capacity through our executive relations programmes, harness the knowledge through stakeholder education and create a leveraged return for stakeholders with our corporate advisory services. Inconcert provides quality financial and managerial expertise, strategic and creative input, sales and marketing counsel and helps clients toward achieving exceptional results. 

The strategy lies not only in focussing on improving the current status but in taking the step changes necessary to realise the future requirements of the organisation and make them happen.

Businesses need to change strategy, processes and roles, rapidly, radically and measurably if they are to survive and succeed. The rate of change is exponential not incremental. We need 20/20 vision - the next 20 minutes and the next 20 years simultaneously. Individuals need to know precisely what to produce and what reward they will get for doing it.

Organic growth and growth by acquisition should be complementary strategies. The successful execution of both lies around aligning everyone and everything around a single set of corporate goals, and so achieving these goals faster, better and more cost effectively.

The productive organisations that will excel will be the ones that value flexibility, diversity, integrity, cooperation and innovation. The best businesses will be run by the best people (recruitment) and great ideas will always produce the greatest results (creativity).

Leaders of change must lead by example (leadership) and this means practising what you preach. If there are five ways to change something do all five, not, one at a time.The deepest cynicism in organisations stems from leadership which consistently fails to change its behaviour, or behaves in ways that are not consistent with the esposed values.